Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Triple Cheeseburger at Hesburger, Helsinki, Finland

Oh boy, I'm in Hesburger again. Seriously I'm not a big fan of Hese as we called it in Finland and I tend to avoid the place. You already saw the reason for this - I wanted to take an image of their limited time burger. Yeah, if you didn't notice the image, scroll back, there you have it. It's that thing in my hand, a triple cheeseburger.

Triple Cheeseburger has triple meat, triple cheese, mayo, ketchup, onion and pickle. In short pattys are tasteless, cheese tastes like melted grease. Hesburger ketchup is too strong and they really shouldn't use it in burger. And finally what's with the pickles, those taste weird. Mayo is standard. Oh, and I can tell that it's not healthy for you and it has close to 1000 calories (kcal) in it.

Well, it looks nasty and it tastes like someone would try to drown you with cheap melted cheese. Not recommended.

Porkkalankatu 11
00180 Helsinki, Finland

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